Sunday, January 22, 2012

Little Momma's Birthday!

      Sorry I skipped out on posting yesterday, but I was kind of MIA from 7pm-2am. There were celebrations to be had, for goodness sake! Anyway, I spent most of yesterday being a total bum. I tend to do that when I go home. I woke up ridiculously late and stayed in my pajamas until a sinful hour of the afternoon. This was that glorious first weekend of school where you don't have anything to do that can't be put off until Sunday night, but I did bring my booksack home so I could look like I was being productive. I went to church with my mom So yeah, yesterday's daytime hours were nothing special.
      Last night, Hannah, Stew, and I went out to dinner with some other folks to celebrate our dear friend Hayley's birthday. It made me feel so freaking old! I mean seriously, we ate dinner with a bunch of nurses, married and engaged people, and even a new baby. Since when do I hang out with people who have actual lives?! After dinner, we went out to City Bar. I think that was my first time going there, and it really wasn't too bad. We ran into one of our old high school coaches, and Stew and Hayley saw their 7th grade teacher. I honestly think I would have a mild heart attack if I ever saw one of my middle school teachers in a bar, mostly because they all have kids my age or older. Anyway, we had a ton of fun, and I'm so glad Hayley got to celebrate her birthday with people who love her and have no problem making time for her in their oh so busy lives. Hehe :) Today consisted of some family time and a good three mile run before heading back to the apartment. It's funny how much I want to stay home when school is actually in session.

Wish it wasn't so dark!

Birthday girl!

      Tomorrow starts my first official week of my fourth semester. I'll actually have all of my classes instead of just two days worth. I'm still sitting at number three on the physiology waitlist, and I have about 24 hours left before I have to give up and stay in public speaking. Hopefully something changes soon! I'm excited to finally get into a routine again. I've had way too much time to think lately, and my thinking just hasn't been very productive. There's like a constant game of Pong going on in my head. You know, that black and white game where the little circle goes back and forth and you have to use your rectangle to keep it from losing the point. All day, every day, my mind goes back and forth about how I'm feeling. It's driving me crazy! I can't wait to have back a feeling of sureness and confidence, but I know that takes time. We should never have trouble remembering the last time we went a whole 24 hours without feeling down about something. That's just awful! For now, I'll just continue working on controlling my mindset every day. I have a feeling that something new is going to happen in my life soon. I mean, I've got to have something to blog about...right? Until then, you will just have to endure reading about the meaningless tasks I perform daily. Later!

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