Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Back to Work, Back to Work.

      I honestly don't think I could have dealt with any classes today, so thank goodness my only class of the day got cancelled. Tuesday really wore me out, so today I went to work to make a little moolah. It felt good to be back and doing something, but it is weird that some people have left since last semester. I worked until noon, then I went to lunch with my bro and Stew at the 459. It's weird how you get so sick of dining halls when you have a meal plan, but when it's gone you miss those crazy ladies and all of the food they cook for you. After a long lunch with them, I headed home for the day. I was hoping I could fit in a nap, but I decided to go for a run with Melanie and Madeline instead. We decided to do a lap around the lake, and it was pretty much the easiest run ever. The weather was just so perfect, and there is always something to look at when you're running out there. It's so much better than running 30 something laps around the indoor track!
My course for the day.
      It felt so good to feel good after running. For once there was no point where I was ready to die! I did almost get attacked by a dog, but whatever. After the run, I blew more money on useless books and read the first five chapters of The Age of Reason. I've never been good at reading books written before the 20th century, but I'm trying so hard to pay attention to it. It's...interesting. Yeah, I'll stick with that description for now. Hopefully I don't find it so outrageous that I can't continue reading. Anyway, the highlight of my day was going to dinner with my dear friend, R.D. When I first came to LSU, I signed up for a mentor. I wasn't really sure what to expect, but I got really lucky. R.D. and I hit it off instantly and have stayed friends through our busy lives. He was so helpful during my clueless freshman days, and now I consider him a very good friend that I was lucky enough to get paired up with. We headed to George's for dinner which is always delicious. It's this hole-in-the-wall place where you write down your order on a piece of paper and they yell at you whenever it's ready. There are dollar bills all over the walls, and cryptic messages from good times written all over the tables. It was great to catch up with R.D., and I like to think that we gave each other a push to get through the rest of our week's activities.
      Speaking of the rest of the week....I'm ready for it to be over. As much as I hate going to 7:30 classes, they do mean I don't have to go to class on Fridays. Woohoooooo! Seeing as how I'll be going nonstop from 7:30-4:30 tomorrow, it'll be nice not to think too hard on Friday. Tonight, I think I'll shower and watch some Friends. I do that a lot, don't I? There's just no better way to wind down. Later!

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