Thursday, April 5, 2012

Home Sweet Home.

      I'm blogging tonight merely to prove to myself and to the world that I am still alive! I might feel dead, but I do indeed still have a pulse. I cannot believe I survived the insanity of the past week.  This was definitely the worst week of the semester for me, so now I can count down the days left until summer without worrying about all the work I have to do!
      I'm not sure that too many interesting things have happened in the past week, but I can think of one thing for sure. My bestest buddy in the whole wide world got her acceptance letter to nursing school! Go Stewy!!!! I was home during the day for once, and I'm so glad I got to be there when she found out. I almost cried for her! As awesome as it was, it was sad too. We haven't talked about her moving because we didn't want to jinx anything, but now that she's in, it's too real! She'll only be an hour and a half away in  New Orleans, but that's too far! It's going to be so hard to go from living with someone for a whole year (pretty much two if you count dorm life) to hardly ever getting to see them. Who is going to talk to me and read the loyal friend book to me when I can't sleep?! Oh well, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. We have to grow up sometime, right? Right. Until then, we'll just have the time of our lives. :)
      I thought spring break would never get here, but after packing my bags and spending far too long in traffic, I'm finally home! My pup was so excited to see me that she was waiting in the road and jumped into the car right when I pulled up.
I swear she's smiling!
      I'm home for the next few days, and then I'll disappearing for a few days. I told myself I was going to swear off technology while I was gone, but I have a feeling there will be plenty I'll want to blog about.  Until then, I'll celebrate the Easter season with my family and friends. Like anyone else born and raised in south Louisiana, I've been craving boiled crawfish for weeks. Now I get to have it two days in a row! Tomorrow I get to spend the day dyeing eggs with my mom and making the most delicious Easter casserole known to man that I will not even attempt to spell. Since tomorrow is Good Friday and kind of a huge deal, I'll try to write up something nice for ya. Until then, I'm going to read the Hunger Games (finally!) and argue with my daddy about everything I can think of. Later!


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