"In one year, Americans spent $2.6 billion on bird seed. Two and a half times as much as they spent on food for the needy."ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! That stat, along with the other things I learned from these videos and just from the class discussion, made me so upset. I think it was a mixture of guilt, frustration, and a few other things. Even as a college student, I could easily give money/time/resources to helping feed the needy. Easily. So, why don't I? Why don't you? My assignment for this weekend is to ask people two questions. First, how do you define hunger? Second, how big of a problem do you think hunger is in America? Well, what do you think? I have a feeling I'll end up engrossed in this class and blog about it often.
After English, it was time for Faith and Doubt. Admittedly, the reading material for this class is going to be overwhelming at times, but I'm super excited about everything else. The teacher is really good at keeping class discussions from turning into arguments, and she's ridiculously knowledgable about the material. Right now, I'm reading about how silly Thomas Paine thinks Christianity is, and I'm finding it very interesting. If not for my faith, I would probably agree with the majority of his points. This is a class that will give me a headache, but in a really good way.
Physics was terribly boring and I was lost the whole time, as expected. Oh yeah, and public speaking was awful, which was also expected. All morning, I was anxious about getting up in front of the class. So there I am, sitting in class five minutes before it starts, and in walks Jacob. Yes folks, my lovely ex-boyfriend (that's still really weird to type). I mean luckily we are civil and have this weird friendship thing going on, but really?! For those of you who know me well, it's no surprise that of 50ish sections, we would end up in the same one. That's the kind of luck I've been blessed with I guess. I can't help but think, "Damn, I'm glad awkward situations don't bother me." I managed to get up and talk without pulling a Mia Thermopolis (I watched Princess Diaries earlier), so I would consider it a success. I can't help but wonder why I have such a big fear of talking in front of people. It's so frustrating! I'm not shy by any means, but I'm not obnoxiously loud either. I like to think I reside in the pleasant middle zone. There's just something about standing in front of a silent group of staring people that makes me break out in a sweat! I'm still holding my breath about getting into physiology...I'm number 3 on the waitlist!
Today was full of work, lunch with friends, and physics homework. Now, I'm back in Crowley for the weekend to celebrate my little momma Hayley's 20th birthday. Woo woo! I had dinner with my daddy, and now I'm holding down the fort until everyone gets home. After the stressful week I've had, it feels good to be at my parents' house bumming around. Tonight, I'll leave you with a picture of my famous bffl...and then she will fuss at me. Later!
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Hehehehe. |
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