As you know, I was a little busy yesterday. I am definitely paying for it today! It was completely worth it though. Once we left our apartment, we drove to the New Orleans airport, drove around the airport, went to the Hilton, parked Dylan's car, drove to Metarie, picked up Simone, drove completely across the Mississippi to a place I have never been, turned around, and eventually ended up in the Superdome parking garage. Yes, that sentence was obnoxiously long, but so was that car ride!
My first stop after leaving the car was to go and pick up my ticket. I had been waiting foreverrrr to get that thing. I made my way up the ramps to the Dome, stopped to talk to some friends, then finally picked up my beautiful, well-worth-the-money ticket to the national championship. I mean come on, how many times in my life will I get to go to one of those?!
So. Beautiful. |
After picking up my ticket, I had to go find my friends. Luckily for me, I know my way around the French Quarter and Superdome area pretty well because they aren't very good at knowing where they are most of the time...y'all know it's true! After I found them, we ran into my brother and his friends and decided to head to the hotel they were staying at. At some point, Dylan and I abandoned our group and walked down the street to explore. It was a successful exploration including a fancy hotel with fancy bathrooms and rich people who act like dollar bills are pennies. The dollar I found came in handy later! We headed back to my brother's hotel to find that our friends had decided not to wait for us. Poor Dylan was shocked (obviously, she hasn't been around us enough yet), but I figured I could find them where everyone else in the city was gathering - Bourbon Street. This picture doesn't really do justice to the crazy party that was Bourbon. Every balcony was full, beads were flying everywhere, and trash talk was all you could hear. Perfect environment for this day!
Most packed I have ever seen Bourbon Street. |
Eventually, we decided that we needed some food in our bellies. We headed over to Pierre Maspero's which was disturbingly full of Bammers. I mean really, why were there so many everywhere?! Yuck! After our late lunch, we walked and walked and walked, and we eventually parted ways. I headed to the Superdome, and they headed to wherever the heck they watched the game. The Dome was looking really good!
Love to see those purple and gold lights! |
I met up with BJ, and we were so ready to go inside. Unfortunately, they opened the gates an hour later than they said they would, and I had to deal with some really rude people while waiting in line. People have such a hard time getting along in hot, crowded places! Eventually, we made our way inside and to our seats which were in the lower level to the right of our goal post. Such a good view! Me, BJ, and Jacob were literally two feet from the band. So wonderful! Shout out to my tubas, Carson and Trey! There were so many people in there, and it was so loud! There's really nothing like cheering on the Tigers in the student section. We were literally shaking the ground we were standing on. I'm going to miss that so much once I've graduated.
Set up for the National Anthem. So many people! |
As for the game, I don't really have much to say about that. It was...painful and embarrassing. As much as I would've liked to see Jarrett Lee play, we've got to think realistically. None of us are behind the scenes, and I know for a fact there was so much more to it than JJ being Miles' favorite. Yes, it sucked, but it happens. I still bleed purple and gold all day, every day. We had an amazing, historical season and I'm SO proud of our boys. I love my school and I can't wait to see what next year has in store for our football team. Until then, I've got to focus on silly academic things. Oh, and rooting on the softball team! Don't worry, I'll be providing creepy updates about Alex in any form that I can. I'm sure she'll love it. 0:)
We had way too much fun after the game, and I'm pretty sure most of it isn't blog appropriate. All I know is I am exhausted and my foot is killing me! So much for the long run I had planned for tomorrow. Instead, I'll start packing to move back to Baton Rouge...maybe. It's crazy how fast this winter break has gone by, but I'm excited to get back to work and school. I'm running out of distractions in good old Crowley! I'm considering today the official end of my birthday celebration, so I think I'll have a piece of cake while I watch Teen Mom. Later!
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