After my little freak out/rant/whine session Tuesday night, I decided to go MIA from this thing for a little while. Honestly, I just really didn't feel like writing on Wednesday. I can't think of a single exciting thing that happened on that day, but it's probably because I go to class til 8:30 then work until 4:30...and there's only so much you can say about being a student worker. Am I right? As for not blogging last night, after looking at my online physics homework for a few hours, I couldn't stand looking at my computer anymore. It's amazing how quickly I get sick of my computer when I'm supposed to be doing something productive on it (although I'm not sure how productive I consider homework). Anyway, I apologize for my disappearance, and now I'm going to catch you up on me.
Like I said, Wednesday was nothing special. There was a wonderful thunderstorm that night, and I slept like a baby for the first time in a long time. Thursday brought good weather and good feelings. I took this picture while walking to work after six straight hours of class. It was rejuvenating!
Japanese magnolia on campus. |
Not only was this day full of pretty flowers, it was full of good classes. In English, I got to know my classmates a little better, and I learned that it costs way too much to live the life you want when you're right out of college. Seeing the budget we made was painful! In Faith and Doubt, we (thankfully) got off-topic and started talking about our own opinions on some things. Basically, we were asked whether or not religion can exist without morality and vice versa. Can someone believe in a higher power but not live morally? Can someone strive to live a moral life without a belief in a higher power? We spent thirty minutes on this question, and we will probably continue discussing it on Tuesday. I really do enjoy being in an environment where everyone is willing to hear each other opinions, respect them, and then share their own. Physics was mind-numbing as usual, but Public Speaking was actually fun for once. We did a group activity that involved one group seeing a picture, writing and intro paragraph to a story about it, and then finishing the story while the other groups built off of their paragraph without ever seeing the picture. Does that make sense? It was a lot of fun, and I enjoyed laughing and talking with my classmates instead of sitting in silence staring at the teacher. Anyway, Thursday afternoon and night were full of work, homework, and a silly trip to Subway.
Now, we welcome Friday! I can't even tell you how much I love Fridays. Waking up and knowing I don't have to go to class is pretty much the greatest feeling in the world. This morning, I went to work for a few hours then went to lunch with BJ, Mel, and Stew. There's something about the 459 that makes me miss freshman year. Maybe it's the fact that we spent so much time in that place, and I'm pretty sure we spent more time talking and "studying" than we did eating. After that, it was time to finish physics homework. Okay, lets just skip that awfulness altogether. Eventually, we made our way to the lakes for the first run of the weekend. Tomorrow calls for a whole two hours! While we were stretching, four girls and two canoes passed us by. These poor girls seemed to have no idea what they were getting themselves into. We volunteered to help get the second boat into the water, and we almost flipped them in! I hope the rest of their trip went smoothly, but I wouldn't be surprised if I heard they were still stranded in the middle of the lake right now.
Andddd they're off! |
Once we got them going, we started our loop around the small lake. I saw two people I haven't seen in forever, and I finished in under 40 minutes. I always considered that a great run, especially when you have to deal with that weird stretch of the running path that just isn't wide enough for all the people it's supposed to be holding. I think the best part of this run was getting to watch the sun go down. There's just something about Baton Rouge sunsets. I can't help but notice that every single one of them is purple and gold! Seriously, if you're ever in the mood to see a good sunset, hit up the lakes or the parade ground. Nothing better. Tonight, we had a roomie dinner date at Fat Cow. Odd name, but such yummy food. It's always fun to leave everything we're supposed to be doing at the apartment while we go out and act totally immature in public for a while. Our time together would never be complete without name calling, teasing, hitting, and me pretending I'm severely injured. Yes, we're weirdos and enjoy doing everything we were taught not to do in grades 1-12.
LSU sunset. |
In case you can't tell, I'm feeling good. Over the past few days, I have come to realize a few things that have helped me be more positive every day. I mean I finally came to a conclusion about the end of my relationship that I'm happy with. That's huge for me! I put all of myself and even more into it, and if that wasn't enough, then so be it. There are so few people in my life and yours who are willing to give us their all, and we're fools if we let that go. In the same respect, we're fools to waste our time on people who aren't looking out for us like they should be. All I can ever do, no matter what aspect of my life I look at, is my best. And that's what I did. That's what I do with anything that really matters to me. Whatever happens...happens. I know that's an overused phrase, but it's true. Every day, I scoff at it less and less. My job is to wake up every morning and do the best I can to make my day and yours worth living for. I'm in the midst of my most challenging semester yet, and I have so many things to look forward to when I'm not drowning myself in school work. It's time to stop looking back and start moving forward. Now, someone make me reread this post next time I lose this confidence. :P
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