Well, I'm finally back in Baton Rouge! I'm pretty sure this was the most productive day I've had since leaving five weeks ago...how sad. I got up at a time that couldn't be considered "afternoon" by anyone and actually got stuff done. I had Rhonda loaded up and ready to go before noon. How crazy is that?! Once I got here, unloading and unpacking too quite some time. I meant to take a picture of the tornado that came through my room, but my phone got lost somewhere in the debris. After I got unpacked, Mel and I decided to go blow some money. First, we went to school to pick up my books at the bookstore. Can someone tell me why I paid 85ish dollars for a book that is NOT EVEN BOUND?! I literally have to put it into a binder to keep it from blowing away. Ridiculous. I still have books to buy for like three other classes, and I'm not looking forward to it. From there, we headed to get some shoes and some groceries. We probably spent too much money, but we did get a free stapler so it was totally worth it. Right?
Tonight, I went to mass at Christ the King with my bestest black ("not to be racist") friend ever, Celia. As usual, it was...interesting. Father Pat, a local blind priest, said mass. That's right, blind. Complete with seeing-eye dog and Braille bible. Long story short, there were a few meltdowns here and there, but the church is still standing. The great thing is, the meltdowns led to a much greater participation than you would usually see at a 6pm mass. Ever since going to church in Jamaica every day, it can be hard to sit through a typical mass around here. I mean come on, you get to dance during the Our Father during the Caribbean mass. America needs to step it up!
After our interesting mass experience, we came to the apartment and had chicken and waffles. Usually I would make a black joke here, but you probably would have seen it coming so I'm not going to...yet, at least. I can't lie, it feels good to be back in the apartment. I'm so blessed to have roommates that I actually like to be around. It's still so weird to me that some people don't know their roommates well or spend time with them even in the apartment. I hope I never live that way! Speaking of roommates, my schweet schweet Mel made me this!
Yay for late birthday presents! |
If you can't read it, it says "There are moments when, whatever be the attitude of the body, the soul is on it's knees." It's probably my favorite quote of all time, and it's been especially true for me these past few days. I found it so, so hard to pack up all of my stuff and get ready to come back here. I think it's because I've been feeling so insecure and just plain scared for the past few weeks. Being at home and surrounded by an environment that hasn't changed much in the past ten years made all of my other changes a little easier to deal with. Honestly, it just made them easier to ignore. I mean I'm kind of worried about being able to handle school on top of the hundreds of other things that I've been trying to process daily. So, I apologize in advance to anyone who might catch me in a bit of a mood these next few weeks. All I want is a little peace, but I just don't see that happening anytime soon. If you're a praying person, a few my way would be greatly appreciated.
Even with all of my worries, I'm truly excited to get back into the school routine again. If this semester goes by as fast as the last, I'll be halfway done with college before I even know it. How crazy is that?! Tomorrow's post will probably be all about the upcoming semester, so I think I'll call it a night. I'm off to watch Friends with my loves and not care about a darn thing for the rest of the night. Later!
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