Nothing interesting happened on Monday, so let's skip ahead to Tuesday. This was the day that I had to endure my first speech in Public Speaking. I wish I could say it wasn't as bad as I had expected it to be, but it totally was. It's just really, really hard to remember everything you are supposed to be saying when everyone is staring at you, especially the terrifying teacher. As if my speech wasn't bad enough, I didn't even make the time requirement. My next speech is coming up in less than two weeks, and once again I have no idea what I want to talk about. It has to be an informative speech, so I have to show the class how to do something or teach them about something they might be interested in knowing more about. I can't think of anything I know a lot about or that I could teach them how to do, so the anxiety has already begun. I have to bring two or three topics to class on Tuesday...ugh. Later that day, I got to spend over three hours in Physics lab doing nothing but measuring objects and calculating all kinds of things that don't matter. My sweet TA speaks hardly any English and doesn't understand a thing I'm saying, so getting questions answered took forever. I know it's just as frustrating for him, but geez! I can't say the whole day was too awful though. Between speaking and going to lab, I got to enjoy the sunshine in the quad with my friend Brittany. There's just something about "70s and sunny" weather on our campus that I can't help but love. I snagged a few pictures while I was there, so here you go!
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The oaks in the quad. |
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Memorial Tower. |
Thursday was another ridiculously long day. I got to campus at 7:30am and left at 11pm. That's just not right! The brightest part of the day was getting to have an omelet from the dining hall with dear Britt. We reminisced about our times there and in the dorm last year. I never thought I would say this, but I'm so glad to have had Dr. Egedy as a professor. Whether the others are willing to admit it or not, he is the reason that so many of us from the dorm became such good friends. Who knows how things would have ended up if we had gotten a normal calculus teacher? It would have been less stressful, sure, but definitely not as memorable. There are times when I wish I could just go downstairs in my pajamas and spend hours "studying"in the lobby with my friends.
Today was my favorite day of the week, no-class day! I guess you would call it Friday. I started off the day by going to the trainer at the health center to get this foot mystery solved. As it turns out, the top of my foot is sprained. It's an uncommon injury (typical for me) that takes a while to heal. Luckily though, treatment is easy. I just have to take lots of ibuprofen (which I totally forgot to do today), wear heel pads in my shoes, and go back for a few more treatments. I decided that since I took all week off, I would try to run this afternoon. The heel pads definitely helped - I ran two miles easily in way under twenty minutes, then topped off the workout with a ten minute bike ride. The best part of all was that my foot hardly hurt when I was done! My calves and shins really hurt, but that's probably because I did too much too fast. Sorry body, but the race is in a month. There is no time to spare! I'm going to attempt the 8 mile run with Mel tomorrow before I immerse myself in physics problems. I apologize in advance for not posting until after my test. I'll be surprised if I even have time to bathe. Later!
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