Alright...Wednesday. Nothing really interesting went on during the day. I think I spent 6 miserably boring hours at work, filing papers and nagging the people in the lobby. After work, Stew and I went for a short run at the rec. It's funny to think that these days, a short run is usually 2-4 miles. There was once a time when a short run consisted of just a mile or less! My cardiorespiratory endurance has certainly come a long way in the past few months...excuse my kines lingo hehe. Anyway, that night we had a fundraising meeting for Jamaica. As much as I'm looking forward to going on the trip, I'm not at all looking forward to the fundraising...mainly because it brings back visions of ad sales from my high school yearbook staff days. If anyone out there knows of a way to raise some serious moolah, or if you would like to donate to our cause, feel free to let me know! As we get closer to the trip time, I'll do a post or two about last year's experience. It's crazy to think that exactly three months from now, I'll be with the brothers and the residents of the MOP monastery. I cannot wait!!!!! The impact last year's trip had on me is something I still think about every single day. It's insane how much more you are able to give when you're not worried about what you have.
At some point Wednesday night, I probably went to sleep. Thursday was my last school day before this glorious break, but I had to give my second speech before I could consider my school week done. I hate those things so much! I spent an hour before the class actually started sitting in there reciting my speech out loud. Of course, when I had to present, I did awful. I spoke way too fast and most probably forgot half of my information. I just don't understand why it's so hard for me! I don't consider myself, but talking in front of people like that scares me to death. Whatever though. Just two more speeches to go! One is worth 20% of my final grade...okay, I need to stop thinking about it. After work and a little homework, BJ and I went to dinner at Shannon's house. He's a family friend who recently moved to BR, and we're happy to have him nearby! It's always nice to eat something home-cooked that you didn't have to cook yourself. After that, I got to go home and spend hours doing homework that I didn't understand at all. I wish I could say that physics will be the death of me, but honestly, every single class I'm taking this semester has an equal chance of killing me. I totally understand the idea of the sophomore slump now.
Friday, I did the whole work/volunteer thing. I'm kinda bummed I won't get to go to the food bank next week. I'm starting to like hanging out with those crazy people! Once I got back from there, it was FINALLY time to pack up and go home. I always get stressed out that I'm not packing enough, but then I'm like really? You're going home. For four days. There are clothes there and a mother who will take you shopping if you have actually forgotten something important. I think it all stems from the time I completely forgot to pack underwear and didn't realize it until I was in Nevada. Embarrassing! Speaking of Nevada, that's where my bestest bud and the softball team are this weekend! I hope they all remembered their underwear...
Anyway, it feels so great to be home. I spent last night just hanging out with my parents and my pups, and I didn't do much of anything today due to the flooding rains and tornadoes and all that good stuff. Typical Mardi Gras weather! I spent most of the day avoiding the school work I brought home and doing a little self-evaluating. I decided that I am sure I want to become and occupational therapist, and I might have browsed some potential grad school options. I'd love to go to LSUHSC and get to be with all of my friends as they do med/PT/nursing school, but there is also a part of me that wants to go somewhere farther away. I guess I need to bring myself back into the present and pull my grades up so I can actually do these things! Tonight, we celebrated my brother's birthday with some boiled crawfish and ice cream cake. I can't believe he's going to be 19 tomorrow...he's still like ten in my mind. This life goes by too fast!
Here are some pictures from today...I'm feeling way too lazy to write them into the above post.
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The neighbors put in a pond overnight... |
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My old girl has no teeth to hold her tongue in! |
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Never gets old. Nomnomnom. |
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