Much to my surprise, I managed to survive this crazy week! I feel like I've been going nonstop for as long as I can remember, and right now I'm fighting to keep my eyes open. I was really planning on getting some of my homework done, but that's definitely not going to happen. I'm forcing myself to stay awake until that a problem for other college students? Probably not. Oh well. Let me tell you folks a little about the past few days while my eyes are still staying open.
Wednesday and Thursday were nothing special, but I did manage to take this sweet picture of the old capitol while I was running an errand downtown. I really want to spend some time exploring downtown, especially the farmers' market that pops up every Saturday morning.
Old State Capitol |
Friday, I did my first round of volunteering for my service-learning english class. Since the class is focusing on hunger, I'm working at the Greater Baton Rouge Food Bank and/or HOPE Ministries - both really great organizations! I did my first two hours at the food bank, and it was pretty interesting. After seeing all of the disgusting things people donate, I want to encourage you all to donate things that you would eat. Would you eat a can of something that expired in 2004? I doubt it. I'm not a picky eater, but I wouldn't eat about half of the stuff that gets donated. Just remember that you're donating the food to help feed
hungry people, not just this thing called "the hungry". Anyway, I enjoyed getting to know the other volunteers too. My friend Victoria and two of the other volunteers will be there next Friday when i go back which is pretty exciting. One guy has three college degrees, but did something stupid that got him community service. He never said what, but I'm guessing something that would have otherwise resulted in jail time. Another lady is working on finishing up her degree (and three minors), and I'm pretty sure she's at least in her 40s. I can't help but be thankful that I am acting on my opportunity to further my education right now, not when I'm the old lady in the bunch. I'm definitely looking forward to volunteering there more and getting to know everyone. Here's a picture of the boxes we managed to get packed in about an hour and a half. Good stuff!
These go to local pantries for sorting and giving out. |
Oh, I almost forgot! Stewy got a call for an interview at the LSu nursing school on Friday! I'll talk more about that when I get to Saturday though. When I got back from the food bank, we had to go shopping for big girl interview clothes. After that, we treated ourselves to some celebratory chicken salad from Zoes. Soooooo good. Then, it was time for softball season to begin! My sister and her family came over for the weekend, so I got to watch the game (and freeze to death) with them. The game seemed to take forever (and it was oh so cold), but I don't mind softball too much when I actually know people playing. I'm used to basketball's fast pace, so softball and baseball seem to take years to me. Oh yeah, and it was cold! Did I mention that? I mean yesterday was basically the first day of winter here in Baton Rouge. Madness I tell you! Also, we got to show off the tshirts we made for Alex. They're corny and cute and I love them!
Cute, right? |
This morning, I woke up bright and early to go with Stewy to her interview. AND IT WAS COLD. Sorry, I still can't get over the fact that it's winter. Anyway, it was so nerve-racking! I can only imagine what she was feeling. I could hardly handle sitting in the waiting room with all of the other interviewees! God was kind enough to give her a few laughable moments to ease the anxiety. When we walked in, her name wasn't on the list, but there was a Caroline Schmidt. The check-in lady assumed it was a typo, so she crossed out Schmidt and put Stewart. Two minutes later, the actual Caroline Schmidt walked in! Luckily, they let Stewy stay on the list, so there was no trouble. After being sent up and down the elevator a few times, she finally went to her interview (and most probably did great). She was prepared for most of the questions they asked her, and I'm sure that helped ease the stress a little. I guess it's time for me to accept that one of my bestest buds is going to be leaving me. She was silly enough to show me how to get to LSUHSC, so I can still bother her all the time! After we left the interview, we decided to go and celebrate with beignets at Morning Call. If good things don't stop happening, all this celebration food is going to make us obese. We also went to this ghetto shoe store, and I managed to knock down an entire boot display. Never a dull moment....
Nothing better than beignets and hot chocolate. Yummm. |
After we got back, it was time to go to Alex's games...and it was still cold. Colder, actually. Sorry I just can't handle this mess. I shouldn't have to wear leggings, jeans, long sleeves, sweatshirt, blanket, gloves, earmuffs, and thick socks to stay cold instead of frozen. Warm isn't even an option when the wind is blowing like that. I got to spend the afternoon and evening with my parents, brother, sister, and the rest of her clan, which was long overdue. I missed my mommy and daddy! The girls won a game and lost a game, so I guess there's not much to complain about. After the games, I went to dinner with the fam. My niece, nephew, and nephew's friend always crack me up. They make me feel so old though! Probably because I am. After dinner, mom was kind enough to take me on a quick grocery trip, so hopefully the roomies and I can survive until Mardi Gras break. Now, I'm sitting around watching Friends trying to keep my eyes open while Alex snores on the couch. I can only imagine how exhausted she is! Tomorrow, I have some serious work to get done. There are two papers and a speech to be turned in this week, and I haven't exactly started any of them. Also, we're doing a Valentine's dinner and movie with the girls. Who needs a stinky old boyfriend anyway, right? As for now, it's bedtime. I can't wait to get some serious sleep in for the first time this week. Later!
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