I did it! I finished this awful semester without just giving up and running away, and I managed to pull out a pretty decent GPA too! I really can't even begin to tell you what it feels like to be done with two years of college. I feel like just yesterday I was sitting in church waiting to hear my name called to receive my diploma. Was that really TWO YEARS ago?! It's insane how much things have changed since I left high school, especially in the last six months. Long story short, this year didn't go anything like I expected it would, but I'm so grateful for every single thing that happened. Yes, even the things that I was sure would lead to my demise. I made it through so much more than an impossible physics class, and I couldn't have done it without my amazing Baton Rouge family. You know, that might be the best part of it all. I've got this established group of people that I know I can go to with anything, and they will all comfort me in their own unique way. Some will hug me, some will slap me, and some will laugh at me. And I love them all the same for it.
Last weekend, Stewy's brother got married! It was a lot of fun, but it definitely confirmed for me that I do not want a big wedding. I just don't think I could handle the stress, or the attention, or the planning...bleh. So if you want to be at my wedding, camp out at the courthouse and you might get lucky! Here's one of my favorite pictures from the night (and there were a lot to choose from)!
Love those girls! |
This past weekend was Hayley's bachelorette party, and it was so much fun! We went to Painting with a Twist (where I learned I am not an artist), out to eat at Agave, and then out in downtown Lafayette (where I do not want to show my face for about six months...or years). It still amazes me all the time that she's doing as well as she is. She's raising a two year old, planning a wedding, and getting ready to go to dental hygiene school, and she somehow manages to keep her sanity. It really is amazing! I still can't wrap my head around the fact that one of my good friends is getting married. I don't like growing up! Look how cute we are hehe :)
Momma and I. |
This afternoon, I'm heading back to Baton Rouge to get ready to leave for Kingston tomorrow. I really can't believe the trip is already here! I still haven't packed or prepared in any way really. I can't lie, I'm not as excited as I'd like to be, but I'm pretty sure that will change the minute we head to the airport. My mind has been so consumed with trivial things for the past few months and weeks that I've found it hard to focus on the things I should focus on. I think this trip will get me back where I need to be. Last year was truly life-chaning, and I haven't forgotten a single thing I learned while I was there. I can't wait to get tons of hugs from the residents and talk to all the brothers and sisters about their lives. I can't even put into words how it feels to be surrounded by so much love. There's just no experience that compares to this one. How often do you get to swallow your pride and feed a woman who is your mother's age? Talk about humbling. If you want to look into the face of Christ, all you have to do is keep your eyes open in Kingston. He's literally everywhere. Yes, He's everywhere in America too, but we tend to hide Him behind our iPhones and computers and Facebook and...you get what I'm saying. I was reading through my journal from last year last night, and at some point I wrote, "When you remove all of our "wealth", you can see how truly poor in spirit we are." That's still so true to me. When you remove all of your worldly possessions and successes and everything like that, you are left with only your weak spirit...and it can suck sometimes. In the next ten days, I look forward to getting back on track towards the life I'm supposed to be living.
Last year's group with Fr. Ho Lung, the founder of MOP. |
If you're a prayerful person, please keep me and the other 24 missionaries in your thoughts and prayers while we're gone. We leave tomorrow morning at 2am, and we get back really late on the 25th. So if you're looking for me, don't look too hard. You'll never find me! This trip is going to be life changing, and I can't wait for everyone who hasn't been to experience it. Get ready for some crazy good posts when I get back and come out of my post-mission coma. Later!
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